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Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan decides to regulate work of taxis

To regulate the activities of taxi operators, the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan has developed a draft resolution «On approval of the rules for taxi transportation of passengers and baggage by road transport.» The document has been submitted for public discussion.

In particular, the Cabinet of Ministers proposes to approve a rule that passenger taxis, which have passed an annual state technical inspection, are allowed to transport passengers and baggage.

«It is allowed to paint the car in a single color (blue in combination with white), as well as to apply the taxi logo and the name of the city in which it is located on the front doors. A name card of the driver with a photograph, last name, first name, patronymic, taximeter or terminal, as well as the official name of the carrier and the carrier’s phone number must be in the passenger compartment of taxi cars. «Preferably, taxis with low emissions of harmful substances, electric or hybrid vehicles are allowed,» the appendix to the document says.

Vehicles must be clean and well-maintained, and also equipped with an air conditioning system to provide passengers with a comfortable temperature in the cabin at any time of year.

«The taxi cabin must be clean and free of foreign odors. Drivers, who are at least 21 years old, have a driver’s license for B category vehicles and have at least three years of total driving experience, or at least one year of experience as a driver of a car, are allowed to transport passengers,» the rules state.

When organizing the transportation of passengers and baggage by passenger taxis, the carrier has the right to:

  • Use specially equipped taxi stands established by a decision of state administration bodies and local governments for parking passenger taxis and picking up passengers;
  • Pick up and drop off passengers on any sections of the road network related to the territory established by the agreement in compliance with the requirements of the traffic rules.

To ensure efficient operation of taxis and to create conveniences for passengers in their use at all passenger-generating points (airports, railway stations, large shopping and cultural centers, etc.), local government administrations, local government bodies, and owners of buildings, together with the authorized government agency in the field of transport, should ensure the organization and equipping of taxi stands. Passengers are picked up and dropped off at specially equipped taxi stands and on sections of the road, where stops are permitted by traffic regulations.

If a passenger cannot independently determine the optimal route, but only names the final destination, the driver delivers the passenger to the destination using the shortest route. The driver has the right to refuse a passenger a ride on a street or road specified by him, if they do not meet traffic safety requirements.

Smoking is prohibited in the cabin and opening windows is permitted only with the mutual consent of the passengers and the driver and in compliance with safety regulations.

The driver of a passenger taxi must know the location and names of streets and main objects, the location of taxi stands, medical aid stations, and dangerous sections of the road network within the serviced area.

He or she has the right to refuse transportation:

  • If the passenger may dirty the interior of the vehicle or the clothes of other passengers in the vehicle with luggage, carry-on luggage, or clothes;
  • If the passenger is going to transport prohibited luggage, carry-on luggage, or other items;
  • If there is a threat to the life or health of the driver;
  • If the passenger violates public order;
  • If the passenger shows obvious signs of intoxication;
  • If the number of persons requiring service exceeds the number of seats in the vehicle;
  • if the passenger’s luggage cannot be freely placed in the trunk or interior of the vehicle or may dirty or damage it.