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Botanical Garden proposed to be granted status of specially protected area

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of Kyrgyzstan proposes to grant the Enver Gareyev Botanical Garden the status of a specially protected natural area. The ministry submitted the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers for public discussion.

As the background statement says, the Botanical Garden was created on March 13, 1938 by the decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Kirghiz SSR to study and enrich the local flora and is one of the largest in Central Asia. It is a leading scientific institution in the field of introduction and acclimatization, ecological physiology, selection and genetics of plants, one of the main centers for the study and conservation of biological diversity of plants in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The ministry noted that granting the status of a specially protected natural area to the Botanical Garden could have a positive effect on the public opinion of residents of Bishkek and Chui region, since some citizens have concerns about its liquidation.

In addition, when creating a specially protected natural area, the activities of the Botanical Garden will be regulated within the framework of the Law «On Specially Protected Natural Areas» and other regulatory legal acts in this area, which will improve control over the activities of the Botanical Garden. The Ministry of Natural Resources added that in accordance with Article 2 of the Law «On Specially Protected Natural Areas», state botanical gardens are specially protected natural areas with the status of a nature conservation and scientific organization intended for research and scientific developments in the protection, conservation, reproduction and use of flora, including rare and endangered plant species.
