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State Duma initiates ban on employment of migrants in schools, hospitals, taxi

A ban on employment of migrants in schools, hospitals and taxi services is being initiated in the Russian State Duma. A bill to ban migrants from working in the fields of medicine, education, and as couriers, if their salary exceeds 100,000 rubles, has been submitted to the deputies for consideration.

The document proposes to ban labor migrants from working in the fields of school and preschool education, medicine and pharmaceuticals, passenger transportation, and also from engaging in «certain types of activities that bring above-average income or may be in demand by citizens of the Russian Federation.»

The bill proposes amendments to the Law «On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation.» According to current regulations, the Russian government has the right to annually, taking into account regional characteristics of the labor market and the priority of employment of citizens of the Russian Federation, establish the permissible share of foreign workers in various sectors of the economy.

«The bill proposes to impose a complete ban on the involvement of migrants in the most sensitive social spheres, in which unskilled labor of foreign workers can cause more harm than good,» the background statement says.

The authors of the initiative clarify that the bill prohibits the involvement of migrants in work in the field of providing medical services in institutions and organizations of the state and municipal health care systems, in the school education system. It is also proposed to prohibit the employment of migrants in the field of trade in medicines and their involvement in work in passenger taxis and freight transport, «where there is a particular increase in road accidents involving migrants, including fatal ones.»

Earlier, the head of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko said that it was necessary to avoid radicalization of the migration issue.
