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Cabinet Chairman lays capsule at construction site of customs, logistics center

The Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Adylbek Kasymaliev took part in the ceremony of laying a time capsule at the construction site of a multifunctional customs and logistics center Global Hub in Alamedin district of Chui region.

He noted that the warehouse real estate market in Kyrgyzstan is at an early stage of development, and high-class warehouses are in short supply in the country. He emphasized that the customs and logistics center, the construction of which is beginning, is a strategic project that will become an important link in the development of the logistics infrastructure of Central Asia.

«Today we are giving the start to the construction of a strategic project that meets the challenges of the time and is important for the state. If the construction of China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway is completed by 2030, and Bedel checkpoint begins to operate at full capacity, then this market will grow to a significant scale. Therefore, our republic has to prepare now. Millions of tons of cargo are processed, received and transported in the world every day. The dynamics of imports and exports are constantly growing. Construction of large warehouses, logistics centers and hubs will be a great stimulus for the development of the economy,» Adylbek Kasymaliev said.

The total area of ​​the center will be more than 136,000 square meters, of which 120,000 will be occupied by super warehouses. They will be equipped with a system for maintaining the required temperature, refrigeration units for storing food and other perishable goods, as well as warehouses that meet international standards for storing large quantities of medicines. It is also planned to have dry and bonded warehouses.

Investments in the project amount to $21 million. It is planned to create more than 100 jobs.
