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Curricula to be changed based on methodology of Cambridge University - official

Kyrgyzstan will change its curricula. A high-ranking official from the presidential administration told reporters.

The emphasis will be on STEM subjects (exact sciences), English and computer science, he said. The experience of successful countries, primarily Singapore, will be used to develop the curricula, and their basis will be the methodology of Cambridge University.

«The curricula and methodology will not be developed by our professors, we will work closely with Singapore and study their experience,» he said.

The official added that the textbooks used by Kyrgyz schoolchildren do not meet standards of the Nationwide Testing. «We do not teach children logic, new skills, creative thinking, to process information, to gain knowledge. Therefore, there must be new textbooks, methodology, and teachers will be reoriented,» he said.

It is planned that the transition should take place within 2-3 years.
