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What projects financed by RKDF to be implemented in 2024

It is planned to launch several projects in 2024, which are financed by the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund (RKDF). Member of the Board of the RKDF Bakyt Kurmanbekov announced at a briefing on Wednesday.

According to him, to date, two large projects in the sphere of production of building materials are at the construction phase. They will be launched this year. Thanks to this, 1,200 jobs will be created.

«This is a large cement production plant with a capacity of 1.6 million tons of products per year. Its launch will reduce the price of cement and replace imports from neighboring republics. We hope that the cost of construction will decrease after its launch. This will entail a reduction in the cost of housing, which will have a good impact on the state of the construction industry and will allow us to effectively solve the problem of providing the population with housing,» Bakyt Kurmanbekov said.

The second project is the construction of a plant for the production of ceramic tiles. To date, all tiles in the republic are imported.

«The launch of the plant will reduce the price and significantly replace imports. This will also have a beneficial effect on the trade balance of the republic,» he concluded.
