Mass poisoning occurred at Wok Lagman fast food outlet in Bishkek. The Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance reported to news agency.
According to it, five people suffered.
«The first symptoms of the disease were registered at 2 a.m. on December 4. The patients received emergency medical care, including gastric lavage. Food poisoning was confirmed by the results of laboratory tests,» the department noted.
An unscheduled inspection was carried out at the fast food outlet. Sanitary violations were detected and a fine of 23,000 soms was imposed.
«Based on the results of the investigation, no remains of suspicious food were found at Wok Lagman fast food outlet. Laboratory tests are carried out to find the cause of food poisoning,» the department added.
The Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the capital noted that the victims ate gyuro and boso lagman, purchased at the fast food outlet at 95, Kievskaya Street.