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Mass food poisoning in Bishkek: 22 fast food outlets closed

After mass food poisoning in Bishkek, 95 public food outlets were inspected from October 1 to October 6. Kuban Kundashev, chief physician of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Center, told 24.kg news agency.

At least 90 protocols, imposing fines totaling 1,216 million soms were drawn up for detected sanitary violations. About 22 sanitary orders have been also prepared to close the outlets until the detected violations are eliminated.

Kuban Kundashev noted that inspections were suspended during the CIS summit and are being resumed this week.

At least 71 people turned to hospital after food poisoning in early October in Bishkek. Fast food outlets were fined 72,000 soms for detected violations and were closed until their elimination.

The Ministry of Health reported that unscheduled inspections would be carried out at all fast food outlets.
