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RUB 0.85

Majority of Kyrgyzstanis live in three regions and Bishkek city

As of today, 71 percent of the total population of Kyrgyzstan lives in three regions and Bishkek city. The National Statistical Committee provided such data.

At least 1,137,882 people are registered in the capital of the republic. Other 1,011.3 million people live in Chui region. That is, 34.3 percent of the total population of the country is concentrated in Bishkek and Chui region.

Large regions where a large number of Kyrgyzstanis are also registered are Osh (1,233.3 million people) and Jalal-Abad (1,066.6 million people).

The capital and these three regions are home to 4.4 million people, which is 71 percent of the country’s total population.

The smallest population is registered in Talas (224,300 people) and Naryn (267,800 people) regions.

In total, according to the results of the 2022 census, the population of Kyrgyzstan reached 6,261.4 million people.
