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Population census: 6,977 million people live in Kyrgyzstan

As of August 1, 2022, the population of Kyrgyzstan is 6, 977 million people. The National Statistical Committee reported.

Based on the results of the first stages of processing of the population census data, actual statistics began to appear.

In June — August, the National Statistical Committee conducted the first stage of processing of data of the 2022 population and housing census of the Kyrgyz Republic. Information in the form relating to employment of the population has been coded for its processing in electronic format according to requirements. Work was carried out to estimate the total population of the republic, taking into account an important remark.

The population and housing census in Kyrgyzstan began on March 25 of 2022 and ended on April 3. The nationwide campaign is held in an automatic format with the help of a mobile application, using a personal mobile phone or tablet of a census taker.

After the processing is completed, information will be published during 2023-2024 that characterizes the summary results of the population and housing census of 2022 on economic activity and employment, as well as information by regions on the population, housing stock and housing conditions of households, families and others.

Population census data are the result of demographic statistics, which were compiled every 10 years.

According to the results of the population census, the country’s population has grown by 1.6 million people and increased by 2.1 percent for 13 years since 2009.
