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26 Peace Corps volunteers take oath in Kyrgyzstan

A new group of 26 Peace Corps volunteers took the oath in Bishkek. All of them will work in the regions of the country in the next two years. The U.S. Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic reports.

This is the 29th group of volunteers. Their tasks are to teach English in the schools of Chui, Naryn, Issyk-Kul, Talas, Osh and Jalal-Abad regions.

«For 30 years now, Peace Corps volunteers and the communities they serve have worked closely together to improve student and teacher English proficiency. Together they build a long-term relationship that lasts for many years even after the end of the two-year volunteer service. This is a common contribution to friendship and understanding between the people of Kyrgyzstan and the United States,» the AmbassadorLesslie Viguerie said.

Before taking the oath, volunteers learned the Kyrgyz language and pedagogical skills for 11 weeks, got acquainted with the Kyrgyz culture. Moreover, in order to better understand the history and traditions of Kyrgyzstan, the volunteers lived in host families.

«Since 1993, more than 1,300 Peace Corps volunteers have served in Kyrgyzstan. We look forward to many years of friendship and partnership with the people of the Kyrgyz Republic,» Peace Corps Regional Director for Europe, Mediterranean and Asia Rebecca Sharp said.
