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Kyrgyzstan does not comply with UN Human Rights Committee recommendations

Kyrgyzstan does not comply with the recommendations of the UN Human Rights Committee. The National Center for Prevention of Torture reported.

Human rights activists note that more than half of 35 individual complaints considered by the Committee against the country concern violations of article 7 (no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. At the same time, judicial review in the light of new circumstances has not been carried out in all cases, and compensation for damage has been paid in isolated cases.

The practice of paying compensation for non-pecuniary damage shows that its size does not meet the criteria of adequacy, reasonableness and fairness. The current regulatory legal acts establish the payment of compensation for non-pecuniary damage, but do not regulate the procedure for calculating its amount.

In addition, facts of obstruction of the activities of inspectors from the National Center for Prevention of Torture were recorded.

From 2014 to 2022, at least 93 cases of illegal actions by employees of prison colonies, pre-trial detention centers and temporary detention centers were registered, which are qualified as obstruction of the activities of human rights defenders.

The National Center insists that each fact should be the subject of a thorough investigation by the competent government agencies, not only as a violation of the law on the national center, but also as a failure by Kyrgyzstan to fulfill its obligations under ratified and signed international treaties, in particular the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture.
