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Tazabek Ikramov proposes to check work of ARIS

MP Tazabek Ikramov proposed to check the work of ARIS at a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Transport, Communications and Architecture.

According to him, the agency failed to implement Taza Suu project at the proper level.

«Villages are left without drinking water. Children get sick. Kamchybek Kydyrshaevich (the head of the State Committee for National Security Kamchybek Tashiev. — Note of 24.kg news agency) is doing the right thing, it is necessary to cleanse them all of corruption. I propose to create a commission,» the deputy said.

MP Alisher Kozuev asked whether Kyrgyzstan would be able to get loans from donors without ARIS.

«Yes, they receive funds for projects. We are only implementers,» director of the agency, Mars Naspekov, said.
