USD 88.21
EUR 95.66
RUB 0.97

Foreigner illegally crossing borders of special gambling zone to be punished

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan submitted for public discussion an amended draft procedure for foreigners visiting a special gambling zone in Kyrgyzstan.

As previously reported, foreign citizens arriving on its territory can enter Kyrgyzstan and leave it without a visa and registration. They must present their passport to verify their identity.

Duration of the stay is not more than 15 days.

Companies and individuals who are engaged in the accommodation of players who arrived in Kyrgyzstan from other countries should not register them. The order of entry, movement, exit by personal and official transport is established by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Special legal, currency and other regimes are in force inside the special gambling zone.

Illegal crossing of the established boundaries of the special gambling zone by foreign citizens is punishable by corrective labor for a term from one to three years or a fine from 50,000 to 100,000 soms, or imprisonment for up to two years.

Consideration of the draft law legalizing gambling activities caused a lot of disputes in society. Opponents of its adoption held protests in Bishkek and regions.

Disputes also arose within the walls of the Parliament. Parliament was only able to pass the law on gambling activity on the fifth attempt. Deputies from the faction of Adakhan Madumarov refused to vote and actually blocked the voting procedure.

The President signed the law on casinos on June 30.
