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Excessive enthusiasm for hydropower plants can lead to extinction of rivers

Excessive enthusiasm for the construction of small hydropower plants can lead to tragic consequences for the environment. The Deputy Director of the Water Resources Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kyrgyzstan Abdybai Dzhailoobaev said today at a briefing.

«For example, Georgia is now facing this, when small watercourses ceased to exist due to the construction of small hydropower plants. They disappeared. In order to determine the future fate of these objects, there must be a permitting system,» Abdybai Dzhailoobaev explained.

He noted that to date there is no permitting system in this matter in Kyrgyzstan, but companies receive certificates from the Ministry of Energy for the construction of small hydropower plants.

«After receiving certificates, a project is being prepared, which is coordinated at the Water Resources Service. Only agreement, not permission. We are already facing conflicts when two or three investors want to build a small hydropower plant on the same river. We have no control over this in any way. Several entrepreneurs want to build an object on the same river, but the result may be a situation like in Georgia,» he said.

The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan approved the bill «On Renewable Energy Sources» in the third reading. The document proposes to set the conditions and procedure for the generation and supply of electrical energy using renewable energy sources. In addition, it regulates the legal regime for the generation and supply of electrical energy using renewable energy sources. Experts believe that the law will not work as it should and will make this area unprofitable.
