Parliamentary candidate Akbokon Tashtanbekov has been detained. Own sources informed news agency.
The day before he was brought in for questioning and then was handed a notice of suspicion of committing a crime under the article «Incitement of interethnic or inter-regional hatred» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. Akbokon Tashtanbekov was placed in the temporary detention facility of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS).
A criminal case was initiated against Akbokon Tashtanbekov, a candidate for Parliament in Issyk-Ata consistency No. 30. A video was published on social media, in which the candidate threatens a man of another nationality. Facebook users demanded to punish Akbokon Tashtanbekov for inciting ethnic hatred. The Central Electoral Commission consented to the prosecution of Akbokon Tashtanbekov.