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Elections 2021: One recommendation of OSCE / ODIHR not implemented

The OSCE / ODIHR observer mission has prepared an interim report on the election campaigning in Kyrgyzstan by candidates for deputies for single-seat districts and parties running for Parliament.

It says that the candidates mainly use social media to post their campaign materials.

It is also clarified that before the start of the campaign, the Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan received six complaints related to bribery of voters. In total, the Constitutional Court received about 20 complaints, including 3 — on the constitutionality of the requirements that only people with higher education and at the age of 25 and older can participate in the race. But the court has not yet considered any cases, since the law passed on September 30 regulating its activities has not been signed by the president.

The document obliges the CEC to monitor campaign funding, publish and update information on its revenues and expenditures on its website. In total, all political parties participating in the elections received 147,509,628 soms, spent 124,453,617.

According to the OSCE / ODIHR, candidates participating in the elections from single-mandate constituencies received 118,972,476 soms and spent 68,682,228 soms.

Parties and candidates must submit one financial report 10 days before the election day and the last one 10 days after the election day, and the CEC must check these reports after the elections.

«However, the law does not stipulate how the audit should be conducted and how compliance with the requirements for the publication of audit results should be checked, contrary to the previous recommendations of the ODIHR,» the mission’s interim report says.

Elections are scheduled for November 28 in Kyrgyzstan. At least 54 deputies of the Parliament are elected according to a proportional system (from open lists of candidates of political parties) in single electoral districts, 36 deputies are elected according to the majoritarian system in single-mandate constituencies.
