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Sadyr Japarov makes speech at UN Climate Change Conference

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov, speaking today at the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said that Kyrgyzstan sets a goal by 2030 — to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 44 percent.

According to him, the share of the republic in the structure of global emissions is negligible — about 0.03 percent, it is not industrial and associated with the life of the people.

According to our calculations, implementation of urgent medium-term measures to mitigate climate change is estimated at $7 billion.

Sadyr Japarov

He noted that by 2050 Kyrgyzstan will try to achieve carbon neutrality on the green development platform. Renewable energy sources, primarily hydropower, will become a flagship.

«We intend to gradually implement projects for the construction of small and medium-sized hydroelectric power plants with the aim of completely transferring the industrial sector and the housing and communal services sector to electricity instead of carbon energy carriers, primarily coal and fuel oil. In accordance with the spirit of the Paris Agreement, I invite investors from developed economies to mutually beneficial investment cooperation in the hydropower complex, including on the principles of public-private partnership,» the head of state said.

He stressed that without advanced technologies, innovations and know-how, it will be difficult for the country to simultaneously achieve green economic growth and carbon neutrality in the planned time frame.

Sadyr Japarov called all interested parties for a substantive dialogue with Kyrgyzstan, primarily international multilateral banks, climate funds and corporations.

He noted that it is critically important for the republic to preserve its centuries-old glaciers, water resources and mountains not only from climate change, but also from unfair economic activities.

«Unfortunately, there are such precedents in Kyrgyzstan, and therefore I call on the world community to jointly oppose such unacceptable business practices. Adaptation programs and projects will be implemented in vulnerable sectors such as agriculture, water resources, energy, industry, emergencies, public health, forests and biodiversity. The scale of the work ahead is colossal, given that 94 percent of our territory is the mountains. Their implementation is estimated at almost $3 billion,» the president explained.

He added that the problems he spoke about are related to the negative impact of climate change, which are in many respects characteristic of mountainous states.

To solve them, governments, including Kyrgyzstan, will need external assistance. In this regard, we propose to envisage in the decisions separate targeted financing for the developing mountainous countries in need.

Sadyr Japarov

«In particular, we propose to create a special fund under the auspices of the UN for the implementation of targeted programs for adaptation to climate change with an emphasis on preserving glaciers, forests and biodiversity, improving preparedness for natural disasters, and providing socio-economic support to mountain communities, especially women and children. I would like to note that only through joint efforts we can solve our problems. The time for long and beautiful speeches has passed, the time has come to act — purposefully, consistently and effectively,» the head of the Kyrgyz Republic concluded.

The UN Climate Change Conference is being held in Glasgow (UK). It has been postponed for a year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Leaders of more than 100 countries of the world will sum up the results of the five-year cycle, which started with signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015.

It provides that in the current century, the temperature on the planet on average should not rise by more than 2, it is better — by 1.5 degrees Celsius. It is believed that this very threshold will allow avoiding irreversible impact on the ecosystem. But the document still does not specify a mechanism for monitoring its observance, or enforcement measures.

In Glasgow, the convention parties should also agree to provide sustainable aid of $100 billion per year to least developed countries making the transition to green energy.

President Sadyr Japarov is taking part in the summit. He is the only head of Central Asian state who arrived in Glasgow.
