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Expert predicts escalation of regional conflicts in 2022

Latent local conflicts in the Central Asian region will escalate in 2022, expert Azamat Temirkulov said.

Speaking today at the round table «New Government: Challenges and Prospects», he noted that a new system of world security is being built now. It will be based on the confrontation between the United States and China and, possibly, between the United States and Russia. The global situation is such that all the tension that exists in the world affects Kyrgyzstan.

«We have tension in Afghanistan on one side, which risks spilling over into our region. This will affect the security of Kyrgyzstan. The conflicts we have now will be more complicated. I hope that the authorities have options for solving the problems. This requires a strong economy. But there is not any,» the expert said.

«The state must understand that what is happening today is not a cyclical crisis, but a complete reformatting of the world economy. Everything becomes more expensive. The banking sector is being reformatted. The standard measures proposed by the Cabinet will not work. We need to look for non-standard solutions,» Azamat Temirkulov said.
