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Results of repeat elections annulled at polling station 1141 in Bishkek

The Bishkek Territorial Election Commission received four applications from the Common Cause Public Foundation in the framework of independent observation of the repeat elections of deputies of the Bishkek City Council.

The applications indicate violations of the voting procedure at PECs No. 1035, 1061, 1139, 1309, which are asked to be considered in accordance with the electoral legislation.

The Bishkek Territorial Election Commission took note of the information and held outreach activities with members of some PECs to prevent procedural violations, as well as issued a written warning.

In addition, when checking the correctness of filling out the protocols and counting of the votes by the Bishkek TEC at polling station No. 1141, it was not possible to reliably sum up the voting results, and therefore they were annulled.    
