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Almambet Shykmamatov: Turkish business interested in investing in Kyrgyzstan

«A wide circle of the Turkish business community is interested in investing in Kyrgyzstan,» the Minister of Investment of Kyrgyzstan Almambet Shykmamatov said commenting on the results of Sadyr Japarov’s official visit to Turkey.

According to him, such spheres as light industry, agriculture, logistics, infrastructure projects and hydropower are of interest to Turkish investors.

Almambet Shykmamatov reminded that as part of the official visit of the President Sadyr Japarov to Turkey, a meeting was held with the republic’s business community at the site of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) in Ankara.

Following the meeting, agreements were signed, within the framework of which it is planned to deploy and introduce a system in Bishkek similar to the Turkish OSTIM industrial zone. More than 600 companies are located at this site in Turkey. Factories and plants are concentrated in one location, which is convenient for manufacturers and exporters.

«It is planned to build the Kyrgyz-Turkish industrial zone on the territory of Chui region. In addition, our companies have signed five other agreements. They and their partners will also invest in joint projects. There was an exchange of projects, they presented us their projects, and we presented them ours,» Almambet Shykmamatov added.

According to him, a group of experts from Turkish companies will soon arrive in Bishkek to study the country’s investment potential.

«Within a month after studying, they should prepare a background statement and present it to representatives of big business in Turkey. After that, in accordance with this background statement, big business will actually invest in the sectors of interest to them,» the minister told.
