USD 87.45
EUR 91.63
RUB 0.97

Exchange rate of U.S. dollar close to 83 soms in Kyrgyzstan

U.S. dollar continues depreciating in Kyrgyzstan and its exchange rate is already close to 83 soms.

Today, exchange offices and commercial banks buy the dollar for 82.9-83 soms, and sell — for 83.2-83.4 soms. It dropped by 10-20 tyiyns during the day. The nominal rate was set by the National Bank at 83.6268 soms (0.18 percent drop).

The dollar exchange rate has already dropped by 1.7 soms for 10 days.

At the same time, the Russian ruble remains relatively stable. Today it is bought for 1.2-1.125 soms and sold — for 1.139-1.145 soms. The official exchange rate is 1.1374 (0.11 percent drop).
