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Results of elections in Bishkek to be summed up by May 17

The Bishkek Territorial Election Commission is examining received materials on violations by certain candidates of Emgek party. The head of the commission Kairat Mamatov told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, all received data must be thoroughly studied in order to make a well-considered decision. «These statements speak more about bribery than about use of administrative resources. But the TEC members are confused by another aspect: why were these heads of quarters and some party representatives silent before? Did they not know about these violations before? If they knew and waited for the moment, then this is already a concealment of the crime. So, let them give proof. Yes, we have a suspicion that not everything is so smooth. But reliable arguments are needed,» Kairat Mamatov stressed.

He added that the decision of the Supreme Court on the NDPK was received yesterday. «We haven’t started summing up the results yet. But the Supreme Court upheld the decision of the administrative court of Bishkek, and the latter, in turn, upheld the decision of our TEC and the CEC,» Kairat Mamatov explained.

We are given 10 days from the date of announcement of the decision by the Supreme Court for the final summing up of the results. This means that we must sum up them by May 14. But, if there are any questions that were not resolved at that time, we will have time until May 17.

Kairat Mamatov

The leader of Ak Bata party, the ex-mayor of the capital Nariman Tyuleev, announced massive violations by Emgek party and demanded to hold re-elections. Four more parties applied to the TEC with the same demand.

The CEC explained to 24.kg news agency that re-elections are possible, if the results at one third of the polling stations are invalidated.

The TEC of Bishkek withdrew NDPK party from the election race for campaigning on election day, bribery of voters and violation of the procedure for financing the election campaign. The party called the decision unreasonable and politically motivated.

Ak Bata party refused their seats in protest.

Leaders of other parties, as well as politicians, also spoke about the need for re-elections, in particular, the ex-deputy Iskhak Masaliev and the former defense minister Ismail Isakov.

Elections of deputies of 28 city and 420 rural councils and a referendum on adoption of the draft of a new Constitution were held in Kyrgyzstan on April 11. According to preliminary data, six parties got into the Bishkek City Council, and four — into the Osh City Council.

The official results were to be announced by May 2. However, Bishkek TEC suspended the process because of the court hearings on the complaint of NDPK party.
