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Second wave of COVID-19: Official offers single information platform

Vice Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Elvira Surabaldieva believes that a single information platform is needed. She announced this today at the coordination meeting on COVID-19.

According to her, there have been many information campaigns since the beginning of the first wave of the pandemic, but when the second phase began, the population no longer responds. «Therefore, I am talking about creation of such a platform where we can discuss and propose some solutions. For its part, the government promises that everything will be transparent and open, in particular, in the distribution of humanitarian aid,» Elvira Surabaldieva said.

She added that the Cabinet of Ministers, the media, international and public organizations should jointly conduct an information campaign so that the population to have access to timely and reliable data.

The video conference participants noted that it was also important to have a channel for feedback from the population.
