USD 87.00
EUR 90.63
RUB 0.79

Exchange rate of U.S. dollar exceeds 79 soms in Kyrgyzstan

U.S. dollar has appreciated by 20 tyiyns for half a day and exceeded 79 soms in Kyrgyzstan.

The American currency is now bought for 78.6-78.95 soms, and sold for 79.1-79.2 soms. It appreciated by 20-30 tyiyns for a day.

The nominal rate was set by the National Bank at 78,6119 soms (0.15 percent drop).

The Russian ruble, however, slightly depreciated. Today it is bought for 1,034-1,038 soms, and sold for 1,04-1,05 soms. The official rate is 1,04 soms (0.69 percent drop).
