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Second national forest inventory starts in Kyrgyzstan

A second national forest inventory has begun in Kyrgyzstan. Press service of the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry (SAEPF) reported.

The work is carried out with technical support of the project «Integrated Management of Forest Ecosystems of the Kyrgyz Republic», funded by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility.

The SAEPF has formed 12 field groups of four people each. «They will not only count the trees, but will also make a description of them: their condition, age, determine the species and quality of the wood, evaluate the changes occurring at the time of the inventory, as well as the level of ecological condition of the forests. Field studies will last until the end of November,» the state agency noted.

The latest computer, field equipment and modern measuring tools are used during the inventory. In particularly inaccessible and difficult terrain, the forest survey will be carried out using two unmanned aerial vehicles.

«The second national inventory of the republic’s forests will give complete information about the vegetation cover, will allow to create a complete map of all types of forests, assess the dynamics of the changes in comparison with the data from the previous study,» the state agency told.

Recall, the national inventory was carried out in 2008-2010. It became the first in Central Asia.
