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Chemical castration first applied to four pedophiles in Kazakhstan

Four convicted pedophiles were subjected to forced chemical castration in Kazakhstan — the procedure is not one-time; it lasts about six months. Tengrinews.kz reports.

Currently, there are 11 convicts in the penal system institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who have a court order on appointment of compulsory treatment in the form of chemical castration.

The chemical castration procedure is performed for four pedophiles at the place of serving their sentences.

According to the Committee on Legal Statistics, convictions with punishment in the form of chemical castration have been passed and entered into legal force against 15 people for two years in Kazakhstan.

In accordance with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, forced chemical castration is applied to persons over 18 years old, who have committed a criminal offense against the sexual inviolability of minors.
