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Journalists hold rally at building of Chui Regional Administration

Journalists hold a rally at the office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government in Chui region demanding resignation of the head of the region Tuigunaaly Abdraimov.

Earlier, collection of signatures for his resignation started on social networks. Activists and journalists launched a protest with the hashtag # Abdraimovketsin.

During the events in Orok village the day before, the official refused to give a comment to the media representative, saying that he would only answer questions from Ala-Too 24 correspondents (OTRK).

«I don’t like your face,» he added, addressing a journalist from AKIpress, who asked a question.

Media experts stress that by his behavior the official violated not only the ethics of a civil servant, but also other norms of the laws. In particular, the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic states that «no one can be subjected to discrimination on the basis of gender, race, language, disability, ethnicity, religion, age» and other circumstances. Everyone in Kyrgyzstan is guaranteed an access to information. There is no rule in the law that officials may not answer journalists’ questions if they do not like their appearance.

Media representatives demand from the Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev to take measures against the official and remove him from his post.
