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Children’s Nomad Games held in Kyrchyn Gorge

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) holds Children’s Nomad Games in Kyrchyn gorge within the framework of the 3rd World Nomad Games. The organization reported.

At least 25 games, which will become a kind of «crib sheet» for parents for a joint exciting and, most importantly, useful pastime with children have been specially selected.

«UNICEF calls to spend as much time with children as possible, especially at an early age. The more parents and other family members give their children love, care, attention, play with them, the more intense is the physical, mental, emotional and social development of the children,» said Yukie Mokuo, head of UNICEF office in the Kyrgyz Republic.

At the initiative of the Secretariat of the 3rd WNG and UNICEF, the Caravan of Children’s Nomad Games visited each region of Kyrgyzstan in June 2018. More than 5,000 children and parents in all corners of the country were able to learn more about the traditions of nomads and play national games.

«The traditional folk games of the nomads have everything for the successful development of a child. The accessibility and expressiveness of the folk games activates the child’s thinking, contributes to the expansion of ideas about the surrounding world, development of mental processes,» the organization noted.
