USD 87.45
EUR 94.54
RUB 0.98

Bishkek to host last in season open-air musical evening

According to the Culture Department of the Bishkek City Administration, the project Open-Air Musical Evenings 2018 will end with a big gala concert.

The concert will take place near the monument to Kurmanjan Datka on August 24 at 6.00 pm. Dinara Akulova, Baatyr Omurzakov, Syezdbek Iskenaliev, Kairat Primberdiev, Adilet Azimov, Isa Omurkulov, Maksat Begaliev, Ilyaz Andash, Burash, Malika Dina, dance ensemble Semetei will perform at the concert.

Admission is free.
