Power engineers voiced causes of smog over Bishkek. The National Energy Holding reported.
The city residents believe that the reason for air pollution in the capital is a large number of vehicles. Others are sure that it could be caused by the work of Bishkek Heating and Power Plant.
«The first is unlikely in winter, and the second is excluded by the use of new modern smoke cleaning filters after upgrading the HPP. This is confirmed by the positive conclusion of the environmental expertise by the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry. The new equipment meets all modern standards, the latest technology of production process control is applied. According to calculations, pollutant emissions correspond to international standards, and constant monitoring of the qualitative and quantitative composition of polluting emissions is also carried out,» the Energy Holding said.
The main cause of air pollution is the mass combustion of coal in the inner suburbs.
«Everyone is aware of the scale of the expansion of Bishkek, how many new housing areas exist, and the influence of new residential areas on the air is not monitored,» the company added.
According to the Energy Holding, the maximum of the air pollution rate was recorded the day before. The portal www.aba.kg daily publishes data on air quality. The largest emissions of carbon dioxide are registered from 7.00 pm.