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Inventory of NTS TV channel property completed

Inventory of the property of NTS TV channel was completed. General Director of the television company Zhaynak Usen uulu told today at a press conference.

According to him, the corresponding act was presented to him by the judicial executors of the Interdistrict Court. The channel was transferred to Zhaynak Usen uulu in trust management.

He added that the broadcasting was not interrupted. NTS is broadcasting in usual mode, and the second party did not raise demands to change the content.

Recall, on December 19 bailiffs accompanied by police officers appeared in the office of the TV channel. They demonstrated to the management and lawyers of the television company the ruling of the Interdistrict Court on the need to carry out inventory and arrest the channel’s property at the suit of Grexton Capital Ltd.

Lawyer of NTS Amantur Abdrakhmanov said that he was preparing the documents to challenge the ruling of the Interdistrict Court.
