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Kyrgyzstani, who created Behavox software, gives interview to Bloomberg

Erkin Adylov, CEO of Behavox, gave an interview to Bloomberg and told about the software he created.

The company uses software to monitor employees and grade them on how likely they are to do anything wrong, and some of the biggest investment banks have already been testing it.

The idea of the program in giving a bank or financial company the opportunity to monitor each step of the staff and the algorithm of their actions to identify violators who, for example, can engage in money laundering.

Some of our clients that are in the hedge-fund space are already doing that. They are using Behavox to understand behaviours of their traders and essentially the system helps them to make better decisions. In the testing that we have done, it basically allows traders to achieve 50% higher rate of right decisions.

Erkin Adylov

However, the successful founder of the company has passed a difficult path to success. Born to farmers in a small town in Kyrgyzstan, Erkin Adylov has managed to make a career most would only dream of. He worked on his parents’ farm until when he was 16, he won a George Soros grant to study in the US for a year abroad. While his parents would later sell their home to pay for a one-way ticket for him to go to university in Hawaii. A scholarship to the LSE followed before joining Goldman Sachs as an equity research analyst, from there it was co-managing $1.5bn at hedge fund GLG. Then in 2014, he went out on his own with the London-based start-up company, Behavox.
