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Atambayev tells what president feels when transferring power

Almazbek Atambayev told at a final press conference today what a president feels when he will transfer his power in a few days.

Frankly, I feel great relief. I am grateful that God gave me strength for six years. It was a long and very difficult six years.

Almazbek Atambayev

«There were a lot of sleepless nights. I went to bed at 24.00, got up at 5.00. In short, doctors said — healthy, but chronic fatigue. I will have the opportunity to sleep off. There were very difficult days when the country was both on the verge of collapse and on the brink of war. Even remembering is difficult. Now all this seems such a distant past, because people get used quickly to good things,» the head of state said.

He noted that he always answered frankly. «Thank God, the new president and prime minister are people of another habit of mind, diplomatic one. I was always scolded. And now, maybe you’ll miss me,» Almazbek Atambayev said.
