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Kyrgyzstan takes 79th place in Global Terrorism Index

Kyrgyzstan took 79th place in the annual «Global Terrorism Index-2017», published by the Institute for Economics and Peace.

In comparison with 2016, the country worsened its position (it was on 84th place).

The 1st place is taken by the country with the highest impact of terrorism, and 130th — the country not affected by it.

Global Terrorism Index measures the level of terrorist activity in this or that country basing on four main criteria:

— number of terrorist incidents;

— number of fatalities;

— number of victims;

— material damage.

Among the CIS countries, the worst position is in Russia — 33rd place. Kazakhstan is on the 67th place, Tajikistan — on the 72nd, Armenia — on the 75th place, Uzbekistan — on the 123rd, Belarus — on the 128th.

Among the five countries most affected by terrorism are Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Syria and Pakistan.

The Global Terrorism Index presents a comprehensive study of the impact of terrorism in 163 countries and covers 99.7 percent of the world’s population.
