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Voters in Kyrgyzstan lack information about presidential candidates

The Coalition For Democracy and Civil Society conducted a nationwide telephone opinion poll to determine the level of public awareness of the forthcoming presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan on October 15.

The survey involved representatives of urban and rural population aged 18 and over. A total of 738 people were questioned.

99.5 percent of respondents know about the forthcoming presidential elections. The main sources of information are television (67.8 percent), the Internet (11.8 percent), conversations with acquaintances and relatives (7.8 percent).

92.5 percent of respondents intend to vote. The majority (74.3 percent) are not interested in the work of the Central Election Commission. Every fourth (25.7 percent) is not satisfied with the work of the commission.

The three main criteria that guide the population when electing a candidate are: candidate’s program (23.5 percent), personal qualities (22.5 percent) and socially significant achievements in the previous activity (13 percent).

For 50.4 percent of respondents there is not enough information about the programs of candidates participating in elections to decide for whom to vote. The younger the respondent, the more he or she lacks information.

In response to a question, who of the candidate has the greatest chance to win, the opinion of the population divided between two candidates — Omurbek Babanov (38.7 percent) and Sooronbay Jeenbekov (41.2 percent).
