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Temir Sariev speaks for journalists, freedom of press

«Freedom is the main achievement of our people that cost many of our fellow citizens not only a lot of energy, but also their lives. True freedom is impossible without freedom of speech,» the candidate for presidency of Kyrgyzstan, ex-prime minister Temir Sariev, said today.

We should categorically prevent intimidation of mass media by politicians and officials. Now we are witnessing a bad trend, when millions lawsuits are filed against the media and journalists, which are speedily met by hand-operated courts.

Temir Sariev

«I have been in politics for many years, and impartial things even outright lies have been written about me. But I have never in my entire life filed lawsuits against journalists and media. I believe that people who go into politics should realize that they will be under the scrutiny of the public and the media, be more loyal and tolerant of criticism,» Temir Sariev emphasized.

In his opinion, it is understandable that in case of obvious slander, anyone has the right to apply to the court to protect honor and dignity, but the claims in no case should ruin the media and lead to self-censorship and restriction of freedom of speech.
