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Ring railway around Issyk-Kul planned to be built in 5-6 years

The ring railway around Issyk-Kul Lake is planned to be built in 5-6 years. Deputy Director of Kyrgyz Temir Zholu Dastan Usubakunov said on NTRC.

According to him, the feasibility study for the ring railway is currently being developed.

«Preparatory work is underway on Balykchy — Tamchy — Cholpon-Ata railway project. As for the southern shore, it is planned to lay a railway along Balykchy — Bokonbaevo — Karakol route. The project timing depends on the feasibility study. The railway has high potential, but the construction process is also complex. We will try to complete the project within 5-6 years,» Dastan Usubakunov said.

The Office of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in Issyk-Kul region told 24.kg news agency that they generally support this initiative.

«We understand its importance for the development of the country. So far, we do not have specific documents on the implementation of these projects. But we would like to note that when developing the feasibility study, the special status of Issyk-Kul region should be taken into account,» the office added.
