Chairman of the Tax Service of Kyrgyzstan Almambet Shykmamatov held a meeting with representatives of the pharmaceutical business. The press service of the state service reported.
According to the press service, the meeting participants discussed the use of electronic consignment notes. Representatives of the pharmaceutical sector noted the challenges encountered during their introduction.
«Almambet Shykmamatov emphasized that the use of e-consignment notes will remain mandatory for importers, manufacturers, and large retail chains. Integration of e-consignment notes with 1C-Accounting systems and the Electronic Medicines Database is also being considered to simplify the tracking of medicines,» the statement says.
The head of the Tax Service informed that a solution is being developed for small and medium-sized businesses, which involves integrating the Electronic Medicines Database with electronic consignment notes. This will enable entrepreneurs to input data on a unified platform. Additionally, an amendment to the law is being prepared to exempt vital medicines from VAT.
«Almambet Shykmamatov noted the potential transition to a unified tax system for organizations providing hemodialysis services. He also stressed the importance of improving tax literacy among entrepreneurs in the pharmaceutical sector. It is a crucial condition for balancing the interests of the state and creating favorable conditions for businesses,» the press service reported.