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Kyrgyzstan and Ethiopia discuss opening of Bishkek-Addis Ababa flight

Deputy Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan Asein Isaev met with the State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia Mesganu Arga.

The parties noted the coincidence of positions on current issues on the international agenda and discussed cooperation in the fields of tourism, economy and education, and also emphasized the need to expand the legal framework. The importance of joint efforts within the framework of the global South-South cooperation agenda was especially noted.

The meeting participants also focused on the prospects for cooperation in civil aviation. They discussed the possibility of opening a direct flight between Bishkek and Addis Ababa and organizing cargo transportation that could connect Kyrgyzstan with key international hubs in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Ethiopian Airlines is the largest air carrier in Africa with a fleet of more than 160 aircraft flying to at least 140 destinations.
