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Speaker Nurlanbek Shakiev intends to change his surname

Speaker of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Nurlanbek Shakiev announced at a meeting of Zhogorku Kenesh that he will change his surname in the new year.

The deputies discussed a bill initiated by their colleagues Mirlan Samyikozho, Nurlanbek Shakiev and Amankan Kenzhebaev. They propose four new spelling options for surnames. According to the deputies, the proposed options reflect national traditions and historical heritage.

«As one of the initiators of the amendments, I will say: in the new year I will not be Nurlan Turgunbekovich, I will be Nurlan Turgunbek uulu. When developing the document, we thought about giving real Kyrgyz surnames,» the speaker said.

For example, Baktybekov Uson Zhakshylykovich, according to the proposed amendments, can be indicated as Baktybekov tegi Uson, Baktybektegi Uson Zhakshylyktyn, Baktybek Uson or Baktybek Uson Zhakshylyk uulu, and Baktybekova Nurgul Zhakshylykovna — Baktybektegi Nurgul, Baktybektegi Nurgul Zhakshylyktan, Baktybek Nurgul.
