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Over 100 human trafficking crimes investigated in 2024 in Kyrgyzstan

At least 105 crimes related to human trafficking have been investigated since the beginning of 2024 in Kyrgyzstan. The Deputy Chairman of the Council for Migration and Combating Human Trafficking under the Speaker of the Parliament, Marlis Dzhumabaev, told while presenting a final report.

According to him, 48 of these crimes were related to promotion of prostitution and debauchery, 18 — human trafficking, 23 — kidnapping, 10 — kidnapping for the purpose of marriage.

According to Marlis Dzhumabaev, one of the main problems is the lack of corpus delicti when the victims do not identify themselves as such and do not contact government agencies.

Representatives of international organizations and government officials noted that the most frequent victims of human trafficking are migrants who are recruited via the Internet. They raised the issue of creating new information campaigns to raise awareness among citizens in the fight against human trafficking.
