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Kyrgyzaeronavigatsiya earns 450 million soms for six months

Kyrgyzaeronavigatsiya state enterprise received 450 million soms in net profit for the first six months of 2024. Its head Torokeldi Omurov told at a press conference.

According to him, the enterprise’s revenues amounted to 1,178 billion soms, and expenses — 626 million soms. Compared to 2023, when revenues amounted to 945.9 million soms, and expenses — 607.9 million soms, the enterprise increased its net profit by 113 million soms.

Torokeldi Omurov recalled that Kyrgyzaeronavigatsia consists of the parent enterprise, located at Manas airport, and the Osh branch, located at Osh airport.
