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Kyrgyzstan may start issuing passports with new flag from May

The Ministry of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan proposes to approve the procedure for registration and issuance of passports of 2024 sample. The document has been submitted for public discussion.

The draft decree of the Cabinet of Ministers proposes to approve:

  • Regulation on the international passport of a citizen of Kyrgyzstan of 2024 sample;
  • Regulations on the identification card — passport of a citizen of Kyrgyzstan of 2024 sample;
  • Instructions on the procedure for accepting documents, registration, production (personalization), accounting, issuance and destruction of ID cards and the international passports.

It is also planned to amend the regulations on national passports of the Kyrgyz Republic and the rates of state fee for their issuance.

The draft decree proposes to establish that national passports of 2023 sample will be issued after the state runs out of forms of old passports of 2017 sample (ID card) and 2020 (international passport) sample. This norm is designed for a smooth transition from the old passports to the new ones.

According to the residual data on the number of forms of old ID cards, national passports of the 2024 sample will start to be issued from May 2024.

Until then, the Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to work on the legalization of passports of the 2023 sample, send their samples to foreign countries, conduct a notification campaign on the beginning of issuing new passports and other necessary activities.

The draft decree also stipulates that the state enterprise Infocom will personalize the new passports. It has all the technical and material capabilities for this.

It should be reminded that earlier the Ministry of Digital Development had already issued a similar draft decree. Then it was about issuance of passports of 2023. After all, since last year Kyrgyzstan began to print its own forms of passports in Uchkun state printing house. However, later the document was withdrawn from public discussion. At the same time, the procedure for changing the flag was launched in the country. Therefore, passports of 2024 sample will be printed with the image of the new flag of the republic.
