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Champions of Kyrgyzstan in tennis announced

The Tennis Championship of Kyrgyzstan was held in Bishkek. The Tennis Federation reported.

The strongest athletes from 13 years and older competed for the title of champion in doubles and singles.

Kirill Kistanov became the absolute winner among men, while Mirgiyaz Mirjaliyev took the second place in the individual category and Abdumalik Kamalov — the third.

Vladislava Andreevskaya became the champion in the women’s singles, defeating Safina Khabibrakhmanova with the score 6/1, 6/2. Sezim Sagynbaeva took the third place. Vladislava Andreevskaya became the absolute champion.

The duo of Kirill Kistanov and Abdumalik Kamalov took the first place in doubles, Rufat Mirjaliyev and Mirgiyaz Mirjaliyev took the second place. David Mogilevsky and Farkhad Urumbaev won a bronze medal.

Vladislava Andreevskaya and Safina Khabibrakhmanova took the first place among women. Sezim Sagynbaeva and Aida Pasonova took the second place. Zhyldyz Raikanova and Saara Myrzaeva won a bronze medal.
