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Bishkek to host Tennis Championship

Bishkek will host Tennis Championship of the republic from October 15 through October 18. The Tennis Federation of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The championship will take place on Thai Break tennis courts in the Ivan Panfilov Park. Matches will start at 9 a.m.

«The objectives of the championship are to popularize tennis, attract Kyrgyzstanis to regular sports activities, improve sportsmanship and gain competitive experience, select candidates for the national team to participate in international tournaments,» the statement says.

Men and women in the age group from 12 to 30 years old with a sports category will participate in the championship. Games will be held up to two defeats.

Competitions are held by the Tennis Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic under the auspices of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and the Directorate for Sports Events Zhashtyk under the Department of Physical Culture and Sports.

As the federation notes, championships of this rank have not been held in Kyrgyzstan for a long time.
