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Cabinet of Kyrgyzstan imposes temporary ban on export of coal by road

The Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan imposed a temporary ban on the export of coal by road. But the moratorium does not apply to all checkpoints.

According to the decree signed by the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov, the six-month ban was imposed on the export of coal, classified by codes 2701 and 2702 of the EAEU Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, from the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic by road. The exception is Irkeshtam-Avtodorozhny and Torugart-Avtodorozhny checkpoints.

The Ministry of Energy was instructed to notify the World Trade Organization and the Eurasian Economic Commission of the decision, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs — the CIS Executive Committee.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications, the State Customs Service and the Border Service must take the necessary measures arising from the resolution.
