USD 87.86
EUR 93.94
RUB 1.00

Average daily gasoline consumption in Kyrgyzstan is 1,700 tons

The average daily consumption of gasoline in Kyrgyzstan is 1,781 tons. The Antimonopoly Regulation Service provided such data.

Consumption of diesel fuel is a little lower — 1,507 tons. As a result, the total consumption of fuels and lubricants in the country is 3,200 tons per day.

«The annual demand for oil products in Kyrgyzstan is estimated at 1.4 million tons. The main volume of oil products is imported from Russia. About 5-6 major players operate on the fuel market of the republic, having a network of gas stations throughout the republic. They provide about 90 percent of the market demand. To supply oil products to the population, enterprises and strategic facilities, these companies provide a two-month supply of fuels and lubricants at oil depots,» the service informed.
