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Mission from EU to conduct GSP+ compliance dialogue in Kyrgyzstan

The monitoring mission of the European Union Generalized Scheme of Preferences plus (EU GSP+) has arrived in Bishkek. The EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic reports.

The mission members met with the Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, Veronika Isaeva.

As a beneficiary of GSP+ since 2016, Kyrgyzstan enjoys generous trade preferences and complete removal of tariffs on 66 percent of all products exported to the EU.

«The main goal of the mission is to perform a GSP+ compliance dialogue with the Kyrgyz Government as well as local stakeholders, including civil society, businesses, trade unions and international partners. The dialogue will cover 27 international conventions on human and labour rights, climate and environment, and good governance,» the EU Delegation says.

Annual EU-Kyrgyzstan Human Rights Dialogue will take place on September 15 in Bishkek. During the dialogue, the parties will discuss situation and latest developments in the country as regards respect to human rights, fundamental freedoms and good governance. It will bring together EU mission members and representatives of the various ministries and state agencies.
