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Kyrgyzstan to revise procedure for leasing state-owned land

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan submitted for public discussion a draft regulation on the procedure for leasing state-owned land plots.

Last year, due to a complicated procedure, tenders were held only for two land plots documents for which had been prepared for more than 1.5 years (state institution «Fuel Base» under the Ministry of Defense. — Note of 24.kg news agency).

The Ministry of Economy proposes to simplify the process. It is specified that the right for temporary use, lease or sublease for a period of three years or more is subject to registration.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • Certified by the state land user copies of documents of title and entitlement for the state-owned land plot;
  • Conclusion of the authorized body on architecture and construction on the possibility of installing a light object or conclusion of an authorized body on architecture and construction on the possibility of designing and construction of buildings and facilities;
  • Information on registration of the right to immovable property.

Thus, at the stage of granting a land plot for lease, the state land user receives the relevant documents from the architecture and construction authorities without additional verification.
